There are some signs that are obviously important to your business. A sign in front of your store or facility to let people know where to find you, for example. But there are other types of signs that are easy to overlook but are still incredibly important. In fact, some of them are required by law. So, make sure you have all the signs you need with Schaefer Signworks.
In Your Stairwells
One area where you need signs but might not realize it is in your stairwell. On each floor of your stairwell you need an ADA sign that clearly shows which floor it is. These signs need to have braille lettering so that anyone can easily identify which floor they’re on as they move up or down the stairwell. These signs also need to be made with high-contrast colors. That makes them easier to read in low-light situation such as a power outage, or even by individuals who may have impaired vision.
Safety Signs
Another type of sign you may not realize you need are safety signs that clearly indicate areas of refuge or emergency exits in your building. Areas of refuge are places in your building where people who cannot escape during an emergency can safely wait for rescue. These areas are usually built to withstand fire, have their own ventilation units and also have call boxes. You need to clearly identify these areas for individuals who may need them in the event of an emergency.
In Your Parking Lot
You might not think about it, but for someone who is coming to your building for the first time, parking lot signs are incredibly important. A few simple signs in your parking lot, specifically if you own or operate a large office complex can ensure that people can find their way to the buildings they need or even to kiosks where they can pay for their parking spot. Although these signs are not required by law, they’ll make life easier on visitors.
Your Signs
If you’re unsure if you need signs for a certain area in your facility, contact our team of pros today to discuss your options and easily overlooked types of signage.